Why You Should Attend Grad School at Carleton University

There are several factors to consider when selecting the grad schools to which you will apply: programs, faculty, research opportunities, awards & funding, the graduate student experience, location, and reputation. Here, we list what makes Carleton’s grad school stand out and why you should consider attending.


Carleton offers some of the best graduate programs in Canada. We are known for our interdisciplinary, collaborative graduate programs that allow our students an opportunity to get connected with rich resources both within and outside the university. We offer more than 100 graduate programs, pathways and specializations which you can view on our admissions website. Are you passionate about a research topic? Then you may want to apply for one of our research-based degrees. If not, you may want to consider one of our course-based options. Either way, our programs are flexible, allowing you to shape your future based on your concerns and interests.


Carleton is known for its caring faculty members who will help support you and guide you through your graduate student experience. Seventy-two of our faculty have been honoured with Faculty Graduate Mentoring Awards, as nominated by their students, for going above and beyond the call of duty with their graduate students. Our faculty are also well known for their research expertise on a diverse number of topics.

Research Opportunities

Carleton is regarded as a university that promotes research excellence and connectedness, and enjoys partnerships around the globe. We are known as a leader in research that focuses both on tangible outcomes and the development of knowledge with longer-term impacts. Our graduate students are highly valued members of our research team. To find out if there is a strong research match for you, check the faculty descriptions on the departmental websites. Learn more about research at Carleton.

Awards & Funding

At Carleton, we offer competitive financial assistance to full-time students. Your eligibility to receive a financial award is based on various criteria. Providing you apply by the deadline date, you will automatically be considered for admissions funding. We have a number of external awards to which you may be eligible to submit an application. Details are available on our Financial Assistance website.

Student Experience

Our Grad Navigate program offers you a series of grad-specific workshops and services that will help you develop important professional and transferable skills that are highly prized by future employers. We are proud of our Three Minute Thesis competition that showcases graduate student research. We also take significant steps keep you up-to-date about graduate specific news and highlight graduate student stories from across our grad school using a variety of communication tools.


Our location in Ottawa enables you to benefit from the connections between Carleton and government, international agencies, embassies, NGOs, the private sector and other organizations that are unique to Canada’s capital. We call this The Capital Advantage. Graduate students in most of our engineering and science programs as well as our PhD in Economics also benefit from a unique partnership between Carleton and the University of Ottawa. Through the combined resources of both institutions, these Joint Institutes make these graduate programs some of the best and largest in Ontario.


It’s important to choose a graduate program and faculty supervisor that are the best fit for you. Carleton prides itself on the quality of its programs and faculty and offers many choices for you to choose from.

Above all, our graduate students are our highest priority. Get connected. Come join our grad school!

Application Insider provides prospective students with a series of tips on how to apply to graduate school. The series is based on Carleton’s application policies, but the information can be useful in all graduate school applications. You can view the complete series here.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018 in
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