Tuition rates vary depending on the Carleton program you are applying for, as well as other factors. Your tuition and ancillary fees* per term can be estimated using Carleton’s fee estimator. The quoted amounts include both the compulsory fees and optional non-tuition fees in their totals.

Note that the fee estimator calculates fees for a specified term. Most graduate programs require summer registration, which will increase your annual fees. It is important therefore to account for all relevant terms (fall, winter, and spring/summer) in your budget estimates.

Tuition Fee Estimator

It is also important to account for other expenses beyond tuition and fees in your annual budget. The following includes some important costs to consider:

Other Expenses

Single Student Expenses

Average Family of Four Expenses

On-campus living
Single room in Carleton’s residence including meal plan. Costs are from September to April only. Additional summer residency may be required at additional cost (roughly 50% of the Sept.-April costs listed).
C$13,735- $15,585 N/A
Off-campus living
Estimates based on a one-bedroom unfurnished apartment for a single student and a two-to-three bedroom unfurnished accommodation for a family of four. Shared accommodations (i.e., roommates) and location within Ottawa may lower the overall cost. Additional utility charges may apply. Based on a one-year annual lease.
C$21,720 C$26,400
Books and supplies
Varies according to program.
C$1,500 C$1,500
Miscellaneous expenses
Clothes, data plan, personal items, etc.
C$3,600 C$10,750
Based on 52 weeks (may not be applicable if on a meal plan)
C$6,760 C$15,600
Public transportation amount based on one monthly adult transit pass. Cost listed is for 12 months. The costs of a student’s U-Pass (Universal Transit Pass) is included in your student fees.
N/A C$3,600
Estimated Total Expenses C$32,500 – $40,000 C$57,850

Note: these are only rough estimates of additional expenses. Your actual annual costs will vary depending on your specific lifestyle and situation. For instance, accommodation costs can often be significantly reduced through shared accommodations (i.e. roommates). Additional budgeting tools and information can be found here.

*Tuition and ancillary fees are estimates.

** If your registration status is full-time, the U-Pass (Universal Transit Pass) amount is included in your fall term fees. The U-Pass is for current students only. Dependents will be required to buy a PRESTO card or use bus tickets.


International students please note the following:

University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)
Medical insurance for international students registered at Carleton University and their dependents (spouse and/or children) is MANDATORY.
UHIP premium will be automatically added to your student account based on terms of enrolment. Premiums are updated in August of each year.

Single coverage from Sept. 1, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2024


C$756.00 (student fee)
+ C$1,512 (spouse and two children)
= C$2,286Family coverage from Sept. 1, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2024