Our program is focused on innovative research geared towards developing new technologies and practices that ensure we have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, clean soil to grow our crops and clean energy to sustain our society. Our goal is to reduce the impact of our society on our environment.  Our programs are offered through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Environmental Engineering which allows our graduate students to take courses at both Carleton and the University of Ottawa. Learn more about Ottawa-Carleton Joint Institutes.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering guarantee a Minimum Doctoral Funding of $35,000/year to successful domestic doctoral candidates. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the exact level and the details of their funding package with potential supervisors as early as possible during the application process. Note that the actual funding level can be higher than the above-mentioned Minimum Doctoral Funding amount if the student receives external awards or higher Research Assistantship.

Capital Advantage

Carleton’s location in Ottawa gives our students and researchers access to excellent federal government labs at Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada and others. It also provides unique opportunities to collaborate with researchers in these labs; we have several graduate students who conduct their research off-campus in these world-class facilities.

Fields of Specialization

  • Air Pollution
  • Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste
  • Water Resources and Groundwater Management
  • Water and Waste Water Processing and Treatment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainability and Climate Change

Program Information

Length: 4 years

Entry Terms: , ,

Fall Application Deadline: March 1

More Deadline Information »

Contact: gradadmineng@carleton.ca

Pathway Options: Thesis

View Program Website

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